Fiori App Analyzer for SAP is Mindset’s answer for adoption rates and feedback within your Fiori landscape. Using common tools and practices, AppAnalyzer tracks your user’s actions from the Fiori Launchpad (FLP) in order to gain valuable insights on usage and feedback.
A Technical Perspective
How do we do it? At mindset, we strive to create products that are non-invasive, simple to install, and provide a wonderful user experience. Using the latest web development practices, we track tile clicks and pull metrics from the user (with consent) including location data, tile information, and device info. The customer’s system which allows for real-time feedback stores this information. AppAnalyzer also includes our Voice of the Employee product, which as a shell plugin, gives users the ability to provide valuable feedback for any Fiori application. Feedback data is stored separately but shares the same key to the AppAnalyzer data. This allows us to link App feedback with general usage with Fiori applications.
Using a Mindset specific agile approach, we created a live, open-source version over 2 sprints, that is available for download. While taking advantage of SAPWebIDE, we created a custom Overview Page Template (OVP) following Fiori Design Principles. Further, it includes tiles (cards) that contain specific information. The tiles pull information from an SAP back-end service that exposes 2 database tables. The tables created store User tile click information and User feedback. For each User semantic object click, a record is created in the user information table which is keyed by the user and timestamp. For the feedback table, an entry is only created when the user submits feedback using Voice of the Employee.
The entire technical package is easy to install and very lightweight. Only one service, one FLP extension, and two applications are contained in this installation.
Our Solution to Adoption and Feedback
For organizations new to Fiori, or organizations implementing a Fiori landscape, the ability to track adoption rates is crucial. If a new app is rolled out for a specific business process, it is helpful to be able to see if the app is utilized and if there is any feedback about the app. AppAnalyzer provides IT managers with a set of tools to track usage rates and gather valuable feedback concerning the Fiori apps they champion. Further, this gives IT managers the ability to react quickly and implement new policies regarding their Fiori landscape.
In conclusion, I am very proud of the products we create here at Mindset. As we strive to create products that are simple and easy to use, we are always wanting to hear feedback about our products. Please reach out to if you have any comments or questions.
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