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Fiori Apps Developed by Mindset

Industry Name Description Backend Systems
Commercial & Industrial Warranty Management Finance (Design Thinking only / presales only) EWM / ECC
Divesified Industrial & Consumer Products Fiori Client Mobile App FC for iPads and iPhone to access all Fiori Applications EWM
Divesified Industrial & Consumer Products Warehouse – Internal Movements Wizard-driven, simplified transactional application EWM
Divesified Industrial & Consumer Products Warehouse – Receiving Wizard-driven, simplified transactional application EWM
Divesified Industrial & Consumer Products Warehouse – Shipping Wizard-driven, simplified transactional application EWM
Sporting Transportation Customer portal eCommerce ECC
Legal Hold (only Design Thinking)
Rail / Transportation Create Allowances For HR ECC
Financial Services Invoice Approval Design Thinking Training and Exercise Train client on Design Thinking methodology and artifacts; Conduct DTW on Invoice Approval ECC
Rail / Transportation Create TD4 ECC
Rail / Transportation My Inbox Approve Allowances & TD4 ECC
Agriculture SCP POC’s for Cloud Platform – TM Collaboration Portal TM
Agriculture Purchase Requisition Application to create Purchase Req’s ECC
Agriculture Work Order Goods Issue / Kitting Fiori -PM App for issuing goods ECC
Agriculture AHM – Create Equipment Searching and create Equipment from Hadoop Database on AWS AWS
Agriculture AHM – Evaluating equipment for Reliability Metrics Evaluate an equipment against standard questions to calculate the equipment index AWS
Agriculture AHM – Reliability Excellence Question Template Create Questions for validating the reliability of an equipment AWS
Agriculture Approval Notification Multiple types of PM Approval notifications ECC
Agriculture Asset Health Management Maintenance strategy for Assets in PM PM
Agriculture Display expiring material Report of expiring materials in Plants QM
Agriculture e-Bill of Ladding Electronic Signature of Bill of Ladding TM
Agriculture Follow Up Notification PM Follow up Notification ECC
Agriculture Inbound Delivery Process incoming deliveries ECC
Agriculture Inspection for Usage Decision Mass Inspection of QM batches without Usage Decision QM
Agriculture Kafka Integration with SAP SAP and Kafka integration of data via SLT ECC , SLT
Agriculture Material Search SAP HANA DB based Fiori application ECC
Agriculture Outbound Delivery Process PGR for deliveries ECC
Agriculture QM Inspector Dashboard Consolidated dashboard for Quality Manager QM
Agriculture Quality Notification QM Quality notifications for Inspectors QM
Agriculture Quality Notification for Rejection Quality notification from PM PM
Agriculture Rail Report Dashboards for Rail Carts incoming shipments TM
Agriculture Record Inspection & UD Record inspection and Usage Decision results QM
Agriculture Route Monitor Shows the daily status of routes scheduled for a given plant EWM
Agriculture Shipment Dashboard Consolidated dashboard for Shipment Supervisor PM
Agriculture TM Check-in TM & iOS SDK TM/ ECC
Agriculture TM Check-in Fiori TM/ECC
Agriculture Sales Order Creation Wizard-driven, simplified transactional application ECC/SD
Agriculture Customer Orders 360 Custom controls for unique business unit to predict / visualize / advise on best business practice ECC / HANA
Agriculture Shipments WM IB/OB receiving ECC/WM
Agriculture Sales Order 360 Mobile Create Sales Orders and Reports for Sales Reps ECC/SD
Agriculture Work Order Time Entry PM Techs and Supervisors ECC/PM
Agriculture Goods Receipt
Agriculture Cycle Count Fioir- PM App for Inventory Count
Agriculture Truck Check-In
Agriculture FOR Worklist
Agriculture Small Plant Operator Scheduling Dashboard Calendar view of all activities scheduled at a plant
Agriculture Customer Orders 360 POC for ML to predict / visualize / advise on best business practice ECC, HANA, TM
Agriculture Farmer Portal Design Only
Agriculture PFI Usability
Water, Hygeine and Energy Tech Agreement Change Request Mobile Sales Reps ECC/Vistex
Water, Hygeine and Energy Tech Master Agreements Create and Maintain Sales Contracts for Vistex ECC/Vistex
Water, Hygeine and Energy Tech Rebate Agreements Create and Maintain Rebates for Vistex ECC/Vistex
Water, Hygeine and Energy Tech Revision Approvals POC using SAP Workflow with Vistex ECC/Vistex
Water, Hygeine and Energy Tech Rebate Settlements Report of Rebates to be paid to customers
Water, Hygeine and Energy Tech Op Report Report of approval routing metrics
Water, Hygeine and Energy Tech User Report Report of user performance for approvals
Sales Order Creation Wizard-driven, simplified transactional application ECC
Manage Custeomers
Review-Remediate Apps Advisory & Dev Multiple
Retail Article Look Up Mobile Store ops app Store Ops/ ECC MM
Retail Bay Directed Packdown Warehousing & Receiving ECC
Retail Bay Performance Warehousing & Receiving ECC
Retail Beacon Management System Inventory/Retail App Leonardo
Retail Language Selector Language Selection for French Canadian ECC
Retail Cycle Count
Retail Packdown Warehousing & Receiving ECC
Retail Retail Associate Dashboard BW Dashboarding BW/Store Ops
Retail Retail Store Manager Dashboard BW Dashboarding BW/Store Ops
Retail Retail Supervisor Dashboard BW Dashboarding BW/Store Ops
Retail Return to Vendor ECC
Retail Sales Performance SWA OVP with BW information on sales per article/bay/department/store BW/Store Ops
Retail Scan Out Warehousing & Receiving ECC
Retail Store Locator Mobile Store ops app ECC
Retail Store Walk Mobile Store ops app
Retail My ProDesk BW/ECC
Retail SSDR A4BW reporting application go-live bw
Retail Receiving
Retail Create Vendor SAP Fiori create vendor ECC
Retail Data Administration Vendor data setup ECC
Retail Maintain Vendor Vendor maintainence ECC
Retail Request Status Vendor workflow ECC
Education/Healthcare Employee Display Create application to view Employee master data including historical records ECC
Material Master View
S&R Fiori Offline Application for Service and Repair ECC PM
Service & Repair Mobile Field Technicians ECC PM
My Inbox
Approve Requisitions
Employee Performance Warehouse employee scorecard EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
My Customers Mobile Sales Reps CRM
My Invoices Mobile Sales Reps CRM
My Leads Mobile Sales Reps CRM
My Opportunities Mobile Sales Reps CRM
My Tasks Mobile Sales Reps CRM
Route Status EWM outbound truck/route status dashboard with exception reporting
Sales Orders Mobile Sales Reps CRM
Service Orders Mobile Sales Reps CRM
Outbound Dashboard EWM Outbound delivery dashboard EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
Error Tracking ECC QM01 error tracking on the warehouse floor (pick/pack errors) EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
Labor Management Dashboard view of clocked in employees and what jobs they are currently performing EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
Internal Dashboard Internal movements EWM dashboard EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
Bin Status Detail EWM bin status… used/not used/where not used/etc… EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
Warehouse Manager – FC Overivew Overview page of warehouse stats EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
Warehouse Manager – Warehouse Overview Analytical list page app for warehouse performance EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
Regional Warehouse Mgr – Warehouse Performance Analytical list page app for warehouse performance rolled up to the regional level EWM/ECC/HomeGrown Timeclock
Salesperson Tasks & Dashboard BW Dashboarding BW
Online Bill Pay
My Appointments Sales Enablement CRM
My Contacts Sales Enablement CRM
My Open Activities Sales Enablement CRM
My Opportunities Sales Enablement CRM
My Shops Sales Enablement CRM
Data Maintainence In plant inventory management ECC WM/MM
Forecast In plant inventory management ECC WM/MM
Order Planning In plant inventory management ECC WM/MM
Sales Orders In plant inventory management ECC WM/MM
InPlant Consumer experience (Virtual InPlant) – Production Consumer applications to support InPlants vs. personell staffed at each inPlant sun operates at ECC/Other
InPlant Consumer experience (Virtual InPlant) – Reporting Consumer applications to support InPlants vs. personell staffed at each inPlant sun operates at ECC/Other
InPlant Consumer experience (Virtual InPlant) – Inventory Consumer applications to support InPlants vs. personell staffed at each inPlant sun operates at ECC/Other
InPlant Consumer experience (Virtual InPlant) – Ordering Consumer applications to support InPlants vs. personell staffed at each inPlant sun operates at ECC/Other
InPlant Consumer experience (Virtual InPlant) – Color Matching Consumer applications to support InPlants vs. personell staffed at each inPlant sun operates at ECC/Other
InPlant Consumer experience (Virtual InPlant) – Support Consumer applications to support InPlants vs. personell staffed at each inPlant sun operates at ECC/Other
InPlant Consumer experience (Virtual InPlant) – Sun support Consumer applications to support InPlants vs. personell staffed at each inPlant sun operates at ECC/Other
Create Customer ECC
PO Approval ECC
Request Internal Order ECC
Shopping Cart Approval SRM
My Leads
My Opportunities
My Accounts
Sales Funnel Map Google Maps Custom
HR Position Approval Approval app for position chagnges
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