We can see that this first result, created by “Nelson Negotiator”, with a value of “1,860 USD” lines up with the data we see coming back from the OData service. If for some reason the value “USD” was not showing up, it may very well be a UI issue because we can clearly see that value for the field “Currency”. However, if we expected there to be a “ForwardedByID”, we may need to have the Gateway developer debug their code to figure out why this isn’t being populated, as we can see it’s being returned empty by the OData service.
Overall, being able to perform this type of debugging will help you understand if data issues reside on the UI or OData side. Additionally, it will help you to provide more context for the Gateway developer if you do notice anomalies. You could easily send the exact request URL, any payload, and the response data, by taking screenshots as we did for this blog. This will help them replicate and debug the issue much quicker. |