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Field Notes: Overview of the annual ASUG 2019 Volunteer Meeting

I had the opportunity to attend ASUG’s Annual Leadership Retreat a couple of weeks ago.  This was my first conference since becoming a member of the MN ASUG Leadership team, so although I was excited to escape the bitter cold and slide into flip flops for a weekend in Austin, TX, I didn’t quite know what to expect. It turned out to be  an exciting event and I came back with even more appreciation for this great organization!

Here are my top three highlights:

  1. We started off our weekend with a presentation from Keynote speaker Miranda Barrett, Vice President of Growth and Retention at The Community Company.  Miranda emphasized the importance of company culture and how to build the best culture within your company and among your team.  If you’re looking for inspiration to build or change the culture within your role, a few books Miranda recommended were: “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek, “When” by Daniel Pink and “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen Covey.
  2. Time spent with other ASUG leadership team members, including my own Minnesota team!  Maybe I am a bit biased, but I really do think we have the best team in ASUG.   If you don’t believe me, show up at our quarterly Chapter meetings and social events, MN ASUG meeting info.  You’ll be glad you did!
  3. Finally, this weekend reminded me how lucky we are to be part of such a great organization.   We, as ASUG members, are surrounded by a wealth of knowledge, in regards to both our community and in excellent materials to guide us through our continuously changing ERP systems.  How boring would life be without SAP?!  We are fortunate to be supported by an organization that is so passionate about helping us get the most out of our SAP investments.

ASUG 2019

The Minnesota ASUG Leadership Team at ASUG’s 2019 Volunteer Meeting in Austin, TX.L-R Fred Sirota, Beth Bushman, Deb Syring, Helen Frericks – not pictured is Kathy Anderson















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Beth has been with Mindset for almost 2 years. She started in recruiting and transitioned into her current role as an Account Executive. She loves being a part of an exceptionally talented team, that continues to build and grow relationships with top talent in the SAP Community. Outside of work, Beth likes to spend time with family, friends, and her cat Pepperoni. She attended school in Fargo, North Dakota where she tries to visit as often as possible!

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